Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Dirty Dozen...

When I was in Graduate school at UNLV, I ate 12 Krispy Kreme donuts in one day. It didn't take much will-power and I felt terrible for the next few days. Yesterday I managed a dozen of a different sort. I ran for 12 miles. For someone who has never run more than two miles in a day, the distances I'm running now are getting a bit ridiculous.

It was VERY windy yesterday. I ran on a highway six miles out and six miles back. It was getting progressively more windy as I continued to run. My last six miles were into a pretty stiff headwind and during my last three miles it was blowing about 30 mph right into my face. I was leaning forward quite a bit just to keep my momentum going forward. I also pulled my shirt tight around my waist and tucked the extra material in the back of my shorts. This helped me avoid my shirt becoming a sail and blowing me backwards. I couldn't breath very well, and some might say that no one can breath very well 10 miles into a 12 mile run; but have you ever tried to breath with your head out of a moving vehicle like a dog? It is very difficult and I needed all the air I could get. When the trucks would blow past me I could barely breath for a step or two.

Hopefully the wind lightens up next weekend. I've got to go 13 miles.


Heather said...

Back when Emma was a baby and Matt and I were in LV at the Vegas Bowl, I ate 9 krispy Kreme's in one morning.
I was as skinny as can be, and could have downed the rest. I don't know what I was thinking that day. I don't remember any side effects either.
I am going to be running in a 5K at the end of May. That will be easy and fun. Matt and I are running with a few other couples we are friends with.
We also entered Emma and Eliza in a 2 mile race.
I am very impressed with your dedication to your schedule and work outs. It's a tough grind getting ready for a real marathon! I turned down a 10K recently because I had the option of the 5K and figured that would be easy and all of my friends would do it with us. I've never run in that kind of race before.
By the way, our family is going to be in Utah during spring break. We will see you there! If it's not too cold we could do a short run together.

enickel said...

I might have to sit out that run with you two crazy runners. I could run behind and be part of the posse. Maybe get you drinks or something ;) Good for you Allan! A dozen miles!

Heather said...

This is Matt and well, I'll top both of you on the Krispy Kreme thang...I was visiting Marsh and Erika in Birmingham back in the day and hadn't had any "heavenly delight" in a few years. The first morning I was there I woke up and went straight to the nearest KK with the Hot Now sign glowing like a beacon in the night!
I bought two dozen and ate one of the dozen ON THE 5 MINUTE DRIVE HOME!!! On top of that it didn't phase me at guilt, no nothin'!!! Needless to say those days are very far behind me!